Categories: 海外

Import bans have made it difficult to sell Chinese products… “Disguised Scallops” in China to hide Japanese products

Japanese scallops are labeled as Chinese.

The package is labeled “Yellow Sea,” but there is a possibility that Japanese scallops are mixed in.

According to the October 6 Teletext BIZ, a scallop processor is in an even more serious situation. According to Teletext BIZ on October 6, a scallop processor is in even more serious trouble: “We imported scallops with shells from Hokkaido, processed them at our factory, and then sold them in China and overseas. We have been running the factory for 20 years, but now that the Japanese product is gone, we are completely finished. (There is no other country (as a supplier). There are Russian products, but they are different from Japanese products. Up to now, China has been importing 100,000 tons of frozen scallops a year from Japan, shelling them at a factory in China, and exporting them to the U.S. and other countries at high prices. The embargo has made it impossible to import even these “scallops not consumed in China. Another trader revealed that he had no choice but to engage in illegal activities. He said, “I sell scallops from Japan (before the embargo), labeling them as Chinese scallops. The authorities are very strict in their inspections, and we have no intention of selling them if we are subjected to on-site inspections. It is said that forbidden Japanese products are mixed in with these products. The reason for disguising the place of origin is the inventory of Japanese products held by the supplier. Since the Chinese government has banned the processing and sale of Japanese seafood imported prior to the release of the treated water, even the stock from before cannot be sold legally.

Read the full article here.


For inquiries about exporting Hokkaido scallops overseas, please contact


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