Categories: 海外

Governor Hase to Strengthen Efforts to Expand Sales Channels for Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery, and Food Products from Ishikawa Prefecture to Foreign Countries

Good evening. Today’s article is about exporting agricultural, forestry, marine and food products overseas.
According to TV Kanazawa on September 27, Governor Hase expressed his intention to further strengthen his efforts to expand overseas sales channels for agricultural, forestry, and fishery products produced in Ishikawa Prefecture. As the domestic market for Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fishery products and foodstuffs shrinks, expanding overseas sales channels is becoming more important, and the prefecture has been promoting efforts such as holding fairs to introduce prefectural foodstuffs. At the prefectural assembly meeting on March 26, a question was raised about further overseas expansion. Governor Hase was asked about further overseas expansion in the future. Governor Hase said, “In expanding the overseas development of prefectural products, it is necessary to take into account differences in culture and lifestyle, improve products to meet local needs, and market them as necessary. Governor Hase said it is important to develop sales outlets in various countries and regions, and expressed his desire to provide more and more products. Click here to read the full article.



For inquiries about overseas exports of food products, such as whiskey, sake, wagyu beef, scallops, and other agricultural, forestry, and fishery products, please contact


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