Categories: 海外

Fuji Wagyu Beef raised in natural water from the basalt rocks of Mt. Fuji goes perfectly with locally brewed Yamahai Junmai dry sake.

Fuji Wagyu Beef
Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, where the production base is located, is a natural area with clean water and air, southwest of Mt. The area is characterized by the highest elevation difference in Japan. This difference in elevation creates a difference in temperature, and the spring water and volcanic ash soil from the basalt rocks of Mt.


Attractiveness of Fuji Wagyu Beef
1、Wagyu design
Experienced experts were appointed to design the cattle to produce high quality beef.

The selection of cattle and feed were adjusted during the demonstration stage.


2. Halal compliance
We received an offer from a Muslim country, so we made sure that all prohibited items, such as feed and medications, were Halal compliant.

We have cleared all the prohibited items. (Slaughterhouses are designated by country.)


3. Selling a new brand to set us apart from our competitors.
We have already obtained trademark registration in Japan and are applying for registration in other Asian countries.

Products come with a certificate from the association that includes an individual identification number.

The products will have a certificate from the association with the individual identification number, so you can differentiate yourself from other companies in your business development.


Fuji Wagyu” cattle are raised in the best possible environment and in good health.
The taste of the beef has already been proven in demonstration tests. The specialist was surprised at the good health of the cattle.

What is the best environment?

☆☆☆☆☆5 points
(1) Year-round temperature difference of more than 45 degrees Celsius

Natural water from the basalt rocks of Mt.

(3) Natural mist from the Asagiri Plateau

(4) Wind blowing down from Mt.

(5) Quiet pasture 13 km from the crater of Mt.



Click here for more information about Fuji Wagyu

For inquiries about overseas exports, please contact

⭐️Fuji-Takasago Sake Brewery⭐️Local Sake to go with Fuji Wagyu Beef

Sake to go with meat dishes

Yamahai Junmai Ginjo (Winner of the 2020 and 2021 IWC Gold Medals, Platinum in the Junmai Ginjo/Ginjo Sake category at the Milan Sake Challenge 2023)
Slightly sweet Yamahai sake with a rich flavor.

Rice used: Yamadanishiki

Cold, room temperature, lukewarm


What is the Milan Sake Challenge?
The Milan Sake Challenge is Italy’s largest sake competition, held annually in Milan, Italy since 2019.The 2023 judging took place at Hotel NHOW in Milan over two days on June 24 and 25. A total of 135 judges judged a total of 548 brands: 90 for the tasting and food pairing jury and 45 for the design jury. Platinum, double gold, gold, silver, and bronze awards were selected in the judging categories, with 10% of the total winning each award.


● Yamahai Junmai Dry (2019, 2022 IWC Junmai Sake Category Gold, Trophy Winner)
Yamahai Junmai Dry (2019, 2022 IWC Junmai Gold Prize in Junmai category, Trophy Winner) It is characterized by its sharpness.

Rice used: Gohyakumangoku and ordinary rice

Cold, room temperature, lukewarm, warmed


What is the International Wine Challenge (IWC)?
Established in 1984, the International Wine Challenge (IWC) is one of the world’s most prestigious blind tasting competitions, and the SAKE category has grown dramatically since its establishment in 2007, becoming the largest and most influential sake judging event held outside Japan. In the 2022 competition, 462 companies (including 11 from overseas) with 1,732 brands (including 24 from overseas) were blind tasted by a total of 53 judges from 14 countries, and medals were awarded based on the results of the tasting. The trophy-winning sake was selected from among the gold medal-winning sake in each category. The percentage of gold medal winners was 4.6%, and the percentage of trophy winners was 1.8%.


For inquiries about sake, whiskey and other alcoholic beverages, please contact


See you next time on K-blog.

2023-09-29 / 最后更新于 2023-09-29 kofukutrade


生产基地所在的静冈县富士宫市位于富士山西南部,是一个自然丰富、水质和空气清新的地区。 该地区是日本海拔落差最大的地区。 富士山山顶海拔 35 米的最低点和 3776 米的最高点之间的温差、富士山玄武岩的泉水和火山灰土壤,造就了富饶的土地和最佳的牲畜饲养环境。





2 符合清真标准









☆☆☆☆☆5 要点
(i) 全年温差超过 45 摄氏度。

(2) 来自富士山玄武岩的天然水

(3) 来自浅切高原的天然雾气

(4) 从富士山吹来的微风 (5) 距富士山火山口 13 公里的宁静环境

(5) 距离富士山火山口 13 公里的宁静牧场






⭐️ 富士高砂清酒酿造厂⭐️ 与富士和牛搭配的本地清酒


山海纯米吟酿酒(2020/2021 年 IWC 金奖获得者,2023 年米兰清酒挑战赛纯米吟酿酒/吟酿酒类别白金奖获得者)。



米兰清酒挑战赛是意大利最大的清酒比赛,从 2019 年起每年在意大利米兰举行一次。2023 年的评比于 6 月 24 日和 25 日两天在米兰 NHOW 酒店举行。 共有 135 位评委(其中 90 位为品酒和食物搭配评委,45 位为设计评委)对 548 个品牌进行了评审。 评审团评选出了白金奖、双金奖、金奖、银奖和铜奖,每个奖项的获奖比例均为 10%。

● 山海纯米干(2019 年、2022 年 IWC 纯米清酒类别金奖,奖杯获得者)。
山海纯米清酒是一款适合所有人饮用的清酒,其浓郁的山海特色得到了抑制。 其特点是口感尖锐。




国际葡萄酒挑战赛(IWC)创办于 1984 年,是世界上最负盛名的盲品比赛之一,自 2007 年创办以来,清酒类别的参赛者急剧增加,使其成为日本以外举办的规模最大、最具影响力的清酒评审活动。 在 2022 年的比赛中,共有来自 14 个国家的 53 名评委对 462 家公司(包括 11 家国外公司)的 1732 个品牌(包括 24 个国外品牌)进行了盲品,并根据结果颁发了奖牌。 每个类别的金奖获得者中最杰出的品牌将被授予奖杯。 获得金奖的比例为 4.6%,获得奖杯的比例为 1.8%。




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