Convenient even in the event of a large scale earthquake: “3 minutes to 30 seconds” per person accepted at evacuation centers with miner card, Munakata City, Fukuoka, Japan.

Hello. This is an article about my number card.

Drill] Evacuation Center Registration with Minor Card (Munakata City, Fukuoka, Sept. 9)

According to TNC TV Nishinippon on September 11, an effort is underway in Munakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture, to utilize the my number card for evacuation in the event of a disaster. A disaster drill was held under the assumption that “an earthquake of intensity 5 or higher on the Japanese seismic intensity scale” had occurred.

Evacuation drill using the Minor Card (9th, Munakata City, Fukuoka)

Residents evacuate one after another to an elementary school that serves as an evacuation center. And what the evacuees present at the reception desk is their my number card.

The evacuees are registered at the reception desk with their MyNumber cards (Munakata City, Fukuoka, Japan, January 9).

The receptionists at evacuation centers can easily register the personal information of evacuees by reading their MyNumber cards or driver’s license cards into the card readers. Until now, evacuees have been asked to fill out a form at the reception desk, but the use of My Number Card and other cards will reduce the waiting time and prevent confusion at the reception desk.

Management of evacuation center reception using MyNumber cards (Munakata City, Fukuoka, Japan, January 9)

Another major advantage is that information on evacuees can be quickly consolidated. Citizens who participated in the training said, “I can get information on evacuation immediately. Citizens who participated in the training “I think it is convenient. Mr. Kenki Funakoshi, Crisis Management Division, Munakata City “With handwritten information, it used to take 2 to 3 minutes per person, but now it takes only 30 seconds. Munakata City has introduced the use of a my number card and other means of reception at one-third of the city’s evacuation centers since this year, and hopes to make it possible for all evacuation centers to do so in the future.


Introduction of IC card readers that can be used for e-Tax, electronic vehicle registration, and My Number cards.

■ACS’s top 3 recommended card readers in sales

ACR1255U-J1 Bluetooth®NFC Reader/Writer

Mobile Card Reader

ACR1252U NFC Reader/Writer

Contactless Card Reader

ACR39U High Speed Smart Card Reader/Writer

Next generation contact smart card reader (adopts USB TypeA connector)


The ACS1252U and ACS1239U have been confirmed to work in the Electronic Vehicle Verification Operation Verification Test of the Electronic Vehicle Verification under the jurisdiction of the Automobile Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

ACS1252U, ACS1255U-J1,


Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism List of IC card readers that have been confirmed to work with electronic vehicle verification


ACS card readers: Operation of reading My Number cards has been verified. (Microsoft Windows 11 64bit and MacOS 12.0 Monterey operation confirmed) Registered on August 22, 2023.

You can see the list here.


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