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正品苹果线材的 “太贵问题”。


据 Money Post 网站 10 月 2 日报道,苹果正品 Thunderbolt 4(USB-C)Pro 线缆的价格在网上引起热议:1 米 9980 日元,1.8 米 18800 日元,3 米 21800 日元。 一条线太贵了!”。 另一方面,也有人说 “这才是正品的价格”,这也引起了争议。


MICRODIA 移动配件 USB-TypeC 连接线。




用于同步和充电的 USB-C 连接线和用于充电和同步的 Pro Max 高速 USB-C 连接线
1、MICRODIACOMBI [制造商保修 5 年]。
3、MICRODIA STEEL [10 年制造商保修]。
4, MICRODIATOUGH [制造商保修 50 年]。
5, MICRODIADIGI [制造商 5 年质保]。
6、USB4.0 100W USB-C 至 USB-C 电缆,带认证 E-Marker 芯片 [制造商 5 年质保]。
7、USB4.0 240W USB-C 至 USB-C 连接线,带认证 E-Marker 芯片 [5 年制造商保修]。



MFi 认证 USB-C 充电和同步线缆,彩色硅胶线缆护套保护



经 MFi 认证的扁平 USB-C 充电和同步线缆,由耐用、耐磨的编织物保护



经 MFi 认证的 USB-C 充电和同步数据线,由不锈钢线缆护套保护




经 MFi 认证的圆形 USB-C 充电和同步数据线,由耐用的 PET 材料和三层编织物保护




圆形 USB-C 充电和同步数据线,带充电功率指示。由极其坚韧耐用的 PET 编织材料提供保护



用于同步的高功率 USB-C 连接线(100W 和 240W)


什么是 E-Marker 芯片?
USB-C 充电线连接器上有一个名为 E-Marker(电子标记线缆)的芯片,类似于充电线的安全 ID 卡。这实际上是一种协议控制器功能,用于监控充电状态并帮助合理分配电流。

目前,市场上大多数 USB-C 充电线的规格为 3A 和 5A。根据 USB-IF 协会的规定,如果电源适配器的电流输出超过 3A(100W)或 5A(240W),则必须集成 E-Marker 芯片,以确保在安全保护机制下进行充电。下表根据各种参数对这些 E-Marker 电缆进行了区分。



USB4.0 PD100W USB-C 至 USB-C 电缆
(带认证 E-Marker 芯片)




USB4.0 PD240W USB-C 至 USB-C 电缆
(带认证 E-Marker 芯片)



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2023-10-02 / Last Updated : 2023-10-02 kofukutrade
The “too expensive” problem of Apple’s genuine cables: Durability or price is the key factor for those who “don’t care about the genuine article
Money Post Web

What are the priority points in selecting cables? (Image)

According to Money Post on October 2, the price of Apple’s genuine Thunderbolt 4 (USB-C) Pro cables has become a hot topic on the Internet. 1m cable costs 9,980 yen, 1.8m cable costs 18,800 yen, and 3m cable costs 20,800 yen. The 1m cable costs 9,980 yen, the 1.8m cable costs 18,800 yen, and the 3m cable costs 21,800 yen. while others say, “That’s what you get for a genuine product.

Click here to read the full article.

MICRODIA Mobile Accessories USB-TypeC Cables.




USB-C Cable for Sync & Charge & Pro Max High Speed USB-C Cable for Charge & Sync
1, MICRODIACOMBI [5-year manufacturer’s warranty].
2、MICRODIASHOELACE【Manufacturer’s 5-year warranty】.
3、MICRODIA STEEL 【Manufacturer’s 10-year warranty】.
4、MICRODIATOUGH【Manufacturer’s 50-year warranty】.
5、MICRODIADIGI【Manufacturer’s 5-year warranty】.
6、USB4.0 100W USB-C to USB-C cable with certified E-Marker chip [5-year manufacturer’s warranty].
7、USB4.0 240W USB-C to USB-C cable with certified E-Marker chip [5-year manufacturer’s warranty].



MFi Certified USB-C Charging & Sync Cable, protected by colorful silicone cable jacket



MFi Certified Flat USB-C Charge & Sync Cable, protected by durable, hard-wearing braided fabric



MFi Certified USB-C charging and sync cable, protected by stainless steel cable jacket




Round MFi Certified USB-C charge & sync cable, protected by durable PET material with triple-braided braid




Round USB-C charge & sync cable with charge power indicator. Protected by extremely strong and durable abrasion resistant PET braided material



High power USB-C cable for sync & sync (100W & 240W)


What is the E-Marker chip?
The USB-C charging cable connector has a chip called an E-Marker (Electronic Marked Cable), similar to the charging cable’s security ID card. This is actually a protocol controller feature that monitors the charging status and helps to properly allocate the current.

Most USB-C charging cables on the market today have specifications of 3A and 5A. According to USB-IF Association regulations, if the current output of the power adapter exceeds 3A (100W) or 5A (240W), an E-Marker chip must be incorporated to ensure that charging occurs under a safety protection mechanism. The following table distinguishes these E-Marker cables according to various parameters



USB4.0 PD100W USB-C to USB-C cable
(with certified E-Marker chip)




USB4.0 PD240W USB-C to USB-C cable
(with certified E-Marker chip)


For more information, please contact us at

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